I Fell Down a Dark Hole And Shovelled My Way Out Again

Im Gerry a 54 year old Irish guy with type2 Diabetes and my main illness is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) It debilatates me no end ranging from Flashbacks to when I was shot on  the way home from work in 1993 when I was at the prime of my working life. I survived this and a few other traumatic episodes in quick succession and from the age of 30 my life spiraled out of control as the PTSD took hold of me and from an outgoing guy who was a welfare rights officer and Disc Jockey with the world at his feet I became someone who was literally afraid of everything and everyone . Panic Attacks became  an hour by hour occurrence and the medication didnt seem to work so I turned to the drink and that led to my life becoming unmanageable. My marriage fell apart I became homeless and lived in hostels,on the streets etc you know the way it goes but for many years I simply lurched from shithole to shithole and crisis to crisis. I was lost in life and as a person. Now though in the ;past few years I have tried to bring some order to my life and have slowly managed to do so.

My medical condition and the mental health effects will mean that I will probably never get back to work full time or work in an office enviroment again, but I dont want to give up on work. So i searched the internet and came across scam after scam and that can be very discouraging for anyone who doesnt have a great technical knowledge or great computer skills but I didnt give up and and a short while back I came across Wealthy Affiliate and after checking them out I decided as the sign up was FREE I would give them a go. I had no idea at all what was ahead of me but slowly lesson by lesson I started to catch on and become more and more interested in this Affiliate Business.

So here I am now with 2 Websites of my own 1 is actually on page 1 of Google lol, yes me an Irish guy with no computer skills or Internet knowledge at the top of Google ranks(gocryptosales.com) is my site if you would like to check it out and the most amazing fact of all is that I have only been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for 5 weeks!!! Hard to believe I know but true and I am learning more and more each day, it is not easy and it is not a get rich scheme you if you join will have to do a lot of the digging yourself and you have to commit but it will boost your confidence and belief in yourself to a place that you and I felt I could never reach but I have and I am proud of what I have achieved in Wealthy Affiliate so far and yet I still at the very early stages of my journey there. Whatever your current circumstances and whatever you think about yourself I know that if you BELIEVE even just a little to have the courage to succeed then You can do what I have done, I get up in the morning, make a cup of tea,turn my laptop on and log into my business yes mine I own it and it will support me for years to come if I keep on doing my digging and you can do the same so CLICK THIS LINK and start your future today,

Cheers Gerry Leave a comment or question and I will get back to you


  1. Hi Gerry, good to see you're back.. I'm looking forward to chatting about a lot of things .. Blockchain seems to be a technology that is unique and under the radar at the moment. It has massive potential though, so it looks like the future will be bright..!


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