When researching this I had a real belly laugh when I seen one headed "Smart Contracts The Blockchain technology that will replace lawyers" Nice one Ameer Rosic . If you don't want to over complicate the explanation of what one is then read on. What is a Smart Contract? Well before them there was of course Blockchain and if you read my other posts here at gocryptosales.com you will see that I am a big fan of the blockchain. I digress though back to Smart Contracts think of the simple vending machine where you go to buy a soft drink be it fizzy, soft or just good old-fashioned water, well each brand has it's own place in the machine the fizzy drinks are along the top in sections a1,a2,a3 etc. The soft drinks are in b1,b2,b3 and son and the water is in C1,c2.c3. If you want a fizzy drink and you put in your £1 or $1 you then choose A1 and providing you have paid the right amount out pops your fizzy drink. That in essence is a smart contract, of course that is a simpl...
Im Gerry a 54 year old Irish guy with type2 Diabetes and my main illness is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) It debilatates me no end ranging from Flashbacks to when I was shot on the way home from work in 1993 when I was at the prime of my working life. I survived this and a few other traumatic episodes in quick succession and from the age of 30 my life spiraled out of control as the PTSD took hold of me and from an outgoing guy who was a welfare rights officer and Disc Jockey with the world at his feet I became someone who was literally afraid of everything and everyone . Panic Attacks became an hour by hour occurrence and the medication didnt seem to work so I turned to the drink and that led to my life becoming unmanageable. My marriage fell apart I became homeless and lived in hostels,on the streets etc you know the way it goes but for many years I simply lurched from shithole to shithole and crisis to crisis. I was lost in life and as a person. Now though in the ;...
Within and around the Cryptocurrency world there are so many new innovations and currencies etc coming out that it is hard to keep up with them and even harder to pick what will be a winner or loser and there can be plenty of losers. There is so much to research in this field and now and again one comes across something that jumps out as a possible winner and my selection is Cointext. Cointext- The concept The idea here is to send Bitcoin cash by SMS with a mobile phone using simple text commands. Yes sounds easy doesn't it or you might say far-fetched but the staff at Cointext are pretty confident in their assumptions and have now sent their product out for private beta testing in a few English-speaking countries including the US and UK. I will let Cointext themselves explain it a bit further. Most wallets require downloading an app to a smartphone, or registering at an exchange, storing passphrases or private keys securely, setting up two-factor authentication, and a host of ...
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