Bitcoin BUY BUY BUY But When

So the Sunday sell off continues and so far Bitcoin is 3% down on the day,but no need to panic and start rushing to sell. Here at we have been taking soundings from investors who have been around the market for a while and there is no surprise at the Sunday fall in the price.

Now of course there is no certainty especially in this market where we could go next however the general opinion that I have got on my feedback is that there is no major news around to make me think that Bitcoin will not recover late Sunday or early Monday when the big boys come back into the market.

Bitcoin has had a great rally in the past month and there will be a bit of profit taking and I dont get the sense there is anything negative in the air so I would be quite happy to get involved at the current price as a long term investment. Im not into the quick in quick out policy but if that is the way you like to do things then more power to you.

So lets have a bit of interaction What is your opinion of how Bitcoin stands right now?
Where do you see it going short term-longterm? Has Bitcoin arrived in your opinion at the point of now being a solid investment?

I look forward to all your comments and feeback. Your opinion really matters as the more information we can gather gives us the real mood out there so lets get your fingers tapping on those keyboards and those phones and get involved

Cheers Gerry

My Recommended Broker for Bitcoin is ETORO witheir AAA rating there is no safer place to invest
Click on THE LINK IN ETORO for an excellent investment experience

UPDATE Bitcoin overcoming resistance at $11400 has a chance to break out today.


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