Welcome to a daily report and live reporting on Bitcoin and all its buddies. On this page you can keep up to date with everything that is going on in the Cryptocurrency markets everyday and it will help us all to stay up to date with all the latest trends in the market asw it happens. It could help with knowing when to get in and when to get out. So you can be sure that at Cryptosales.com if its happening you will get all the news here.
This is a new site but I am determined that it over time will provide you with the information and advice you require to stay one step ahead of the pack.So I make this request of you,help me to turn this site into one that helps us all in the quest to be the best online. Post your comments,questions and feedback on the articles posted and the ones you would like to see posted,as Cryptocurrency markets are exciting, volatile and never boring,but that is all the more reason to have all the up to date news that is going on out there.

It may feel like a virtual world online but the consequences of what happens in that world affect real people in real terms. So let Monday come and lets see what the new week brings. If you can check out the other articles on the site and as I said before leave your comments and questions and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
When I first started this site I didnt expect it to grow so quick into something that would take over my life,but the world of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain is just too exciting to ignore. The possibilities and the pitfalls are endless and I as a typical Aquarian cant resist the chance to be a part of it. It is just like I mention in the sub heading for my site Cryptocurrency is the future of money and I dont think I am alone in that opinion.
Below I will leave you with all the latest prices before it all kicks off again tomorrow.Hope you all check in again tomorrow when I will keep you updated on the latest news and prices both in Crypto and in Blockchain.
Prices Correct at time of posting
BITCOIN CASH-$1,167.27
A lot can happen in a few hours here so keep checking back when you feel the need cheers Gerry

ALERT Litecoin surging up almost 10% Sunday 22.47pm gmt Can it keep going?
Monday 09.45am GMT Bitcoin  $9528.90 Ethereum $847.07
Litecoin $218.93 Bitcoin Cash $1155.64 Ethereum Classic $33.94
Litecoins surge overnight slowed butb its still up around 4% all the rest havent seen much change except a smaller coin Nano which is losing 7% so far so keep an eye there in case of a rally as there might be an opportunity to get in there and at $11.53 a coin might not be too expensive.
If you have any opinions you want to add leave a comment or question. Next update around midday unless there is an Alert Cheers Gerry
12.48PM- Its all change again with a rally on Bitcoin and the rest and anyone who got in after my last update is sitting with a tidy profit now you must decide to stick or twist-More later
ALERT!!!!!! BITCOIN SHOOTS WELL OVER $10000 Time to buy or sell.Since yesterdays reports it has shot up over $600!!
What do you think drop a comment now where is it going next? Love to hear from you

19.00pm gmt- a pretty good day for investors especially those who got involved with NEO 16% up and could go higher Bitcoin hanging around $10000 mark.I think we would all love less volatility but thats the nature of this market so let me remind you to tread carefully.
If you have invested or already in the market why dont you leave a comment lets me know if you burnt it up or got toasted I would love to hear your stories
ALERT !! You may remember that I mentioned the possibility of someone getting back into NANO after its losses yesterday well its up 7% today so there you it would have been a nice get in point
Tuesday Its all happening again today another BIG surge is on in the market with Bitcoin and Neo leading the way anyone who got in on Monday is certainly enjoying a major bounce right now NEO UP AN AMAZING 15% TODAY. If you are thinking of getting involved click on E-Toro for a great broker.But biggest  winner today that we made you aware of late Monday was NANO and its up a massive 18% today
cheers Gerry

Just keeping an eye on the market and Im giving a buy signal for Bitcoin BTC!!!!

I called it last night BTC up 5% since then!! gocryptosales is on the pulse of the market check it out

Alert!! Bitcoin just about to touch $11000 you were told last night to buy!!

Friday 02/03/18 Bitcoin holding solid at $11000- Tronix up 20% could be a cheap buy in


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