Tell Your Boss To Get Stuffed==Own Your Own Online Business

Ok before you say you have heard it all before I will make this promise to you from the start I will not Give you any Bull at any time throughout this article and yes I will get a commission if you sign up. But if you do and you get your own business then you can spread the word and it will be your commission that will go into your bank account.

So let me see if I can convince you to come on board with me at Wealthy Affiliate . Before I give you the reasons let me tell you about my journey and remember I wont give you any bull. I joined them around 3 weeks ago and my computer skills were as basic as could be had you asked me about links, widgets,longtail keywords yes I said that right,I would have looked at you blankly and would not have had a single clue what you were talking about.3weeks later I have a website(
ranked in Google,Bing,and Yahoo on page1 number1. It sounds crazy but its true,Im still a novice I should add and I have a long way to go in my training but I love it there.and am enjoying learning new skills that will set me up to earn a decent living online. Wealthy Affiliate is no get rich quick scheme so if your after that then its not for you simple as that. Its my belief there are no get rich quick schemes unless you happen to own Bitcoin.

Ok here are a few reasons to join me here at Wealthy Affiliate

1. you are the sole owner of your own business and its success or failure depends on you with a little help from all the staff and community at Wealthy Affiliate

2 Your website will be owned by you and as you join as a FREE member you will get 2 sites FREE and if you upgrade to Premium you can buy and own up to 25 sites . Imagine the income you could have with 25 sites but lets go one step at a time

  1. As you continue with our step by step tutorials , you will have yourself a complete 5 or more page blog that will enable you to begin branding yourself as an expert in your chosen niche, in 1 to 3 hours, depending on how quickly you work and complete the tasks required to produce your site.
  2. We provide you with a keyword optimization tool and training on how to use it along the way.
  3. You will have an introduction to Search Engine Optimization.
That is just the start after your first 10 lessons which are completely FREE you can upgrade to premium and signing up here will get you a massive 60% off the first month so it will only cost you $19 for a whole months full access and training to the WA site and by that time your first website will be up and running.
If you buy your own domain at Wa it will cost around $13 and they will host it maintenace it and its all included in that price now I challenge you to get a better deal than that anywhere!

So have I made my case and as promised I gave you no bull infact I made it clear at the start I get a commission if you sign up but I am opening the door to a successful future to you. It wont cost the earth to give it a go so sign up now at Wealthy Affiliate

Thanks for your time and check out my website which is only a couple of weeks old and if you want to be able to do that then come on through the door and start your future today

cheers Gerry


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